Archive for June, 2017

7/4/17: The Unquiet Dead: Intro & Chapter 1

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

The upcoming discussion taking place July 4 at Boxcar Books starting at 7PM will be the Introduction and Chapter 1 from The Unquiet Dead. It’s a study of fascism from an anarchist perspective, and specifically an analysis of fascist mythology with gender and race essentialisms as its core components.

You can pick up a free copy of the text at Boxcar Books for two weeks prior to its discussion. It’s a longer one, so you might want to pick up a copy sooner rather than later!

“’One may see that the history, which is now indivisible from oneself, has been full of errors and excesses, but this is not the same thing as seeing that, for millions of people, this history—oneself—has been nothing but an intolerable yoke, a stinking prison, a shrieking grave. It is not so easy to see that, for millions of people, life itself depends on the speediest possible demolition of this history, even if this means the leveling, or the destruction of its heirs.’
—James Baldwin”

Facebook event

Readings for July/August + New Fliers

Wednesday, June 21st, 2017

The discussions for Read & Revolt in July and August will be of the following:

7/4The Unquiet Dead: Intro & Chapter 1 – A book that posits essentialism as the core of fascism, and analyzes its rise and entry points in various time periods and contexts. The intro explains the project, while chapter 1 goes over the mythologies present in Nazi Germany.

7/18Yalensky’s Fable: A History of the Anarchist Black Cross.

8/1Two texts on Informality and Attack – “Reproducibility, propagation of attack against power and some related points”, and in response “The Reproducibility of Attack and Informal Organization”.

8/15Towards an Anarchist Ecology – A precise critique of mainstream ecology and an offering of some starting points for developing an anarchist knowing of the land.

Flier for printing:

Letter & quarter-sheet

As always the discussions are free, they will take place at Boxcar Books starting at 7PM, and all ages are welcome.

6/20/17: Where Do We Meet Face-to-Face?

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

The discussion this coming Tuesday will be taking place at Boxcar Books at 7 PM. We will be discussing “Where Do We Meet Face-to-Face?” a text anonymously published in the early 2000s that’s becoming increasingly relevant over time.

You can pick up a free copy of the text at Boxcar Books for two weeks prior to its discussion. You can also find it online here.

As usual, this event is free and all ages are welcome. Here’s the facebook event.

“Alienation is as old as civilization itself since the dawn of civilization corresponds with the origin of institutionalized power structures. But resistance to alienation is just as old.”



Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Welcome to the Read & Revolt website. It will be continually updated with information on upcoming discussions and where to find the texts. For more information, check out the About page.